Intersect360 Research je objavio pregled HPC i AI tržišta.

Najbolji dobavljači servera na HPC tržištu i tržištu AI obuke.

Svjetsko tržište računarstva visokih performansi sada iznosi 41 milijardu dolara, prema vodećim HPC-ima i analitičarskoj firmi Intersect360 Research.

U narednih pet godina, Intersect360 Research predviđa da će se HPC i AI obuka vratiti na stabilne nivoe rasta. Budžeti HPC-a će porasti na 59,2 milijarde dolara do 2026. godine, što predstavlja složenu godišnju stopu rasta od 7,7% (CAGR). Ne uključujući potrošnju hiperskale, HPC i AI obuka zajedno će porasti na 70,0 milijardi dolara uz CAGR od 8,6%.

TOP 5 HPC + AI dobavljača servera za obuku prema udjelu profita

  1. HPE
  2. Dell
  3. Lenovo
  4. Supermicro
  5. Atos/Bull

About Intersect360 Research

Intersect360 Research is a market intelligence, research, and consulting advisory practice focused on high-performance data center trends, including High Performance Computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, cloud computing, big data, and hyperscale. Intersect360 Research utilizes both user-based and supplier-based research to form a complete perspective of market dynamics, trends, and usage models, including both technical and business applications. The company’s end-user-focused research is inclusive from both a technology perspective and a usage standpoint, allowing Intersect360 Research to provide its clients with total market models that include both traditional and emerging HPC applications.

In addition to its market advisory subscription services, Intersect360 Research offers customers an array of client-specific services, including custom surveys, white papers and custom analysis. More information about Intersect360 Research as well as the full slate of Intersect360 Research reports available for purchase and download can be found at